DOUBLE HEADER (First Game) On their next trip to San Francisco, your readers can take in a big double-header. Here‚Äôs the first game: Through February 4, 2018, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, SFMOMA, is hosting ‚ÄúWalker Evans,‚Äù a humungous retrospective of the seminal 20th century photographer‚Äôs work. His most famous photo is here,… Continue reading SFMOMA: Walker Evans
Category: Museums
Contemporary Jewish Museum: Jewish Folktales
On their next trip to San Francisco, your readers can take in a big double-header. Through February 4, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, SFMOMA, is hosting ‚ÄúWalker Evans,‚Äù a humungous retrospective of the seminal 20th century photographer‚Äôs work. Four-hundred images, some little larger than postage stamps‚Äî it‚Äôs informative, and it is exhausting. But… Continue reading Contemporary Jewish Museum: Jewish Folktales
MAH – Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History
IF YOU GO-OH TO SANTA CRUZ ‚Ķ ‚ÄúHow will you make history?‚Äù In the heart of Santa Cruz, I’ve found a museum I’m crazy about. Let me count the ways ‚Ķ It‚Äôs compact enough to absorb without suddenly feeling, ‚ÄúIf I don’t sit down and stop looking at art in the next 30 seconds, I’m… Continue reading MAH – Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History
Pier 24 Photography
What’s seven years old, sits under a bridge and is missed by most San Francisco visitors? Pier 24 Photography. On a pier off San Francisco‚Äôs Embarcadero, Pier 24 Photography ‚Äúprovides a quiet, contemplative environment for viewing photographic works.‚Äù Entry is free (though only by appointment), Monday through Friday. The current exhibit, The Grain of the… Continue reading Pier 24 Photography
Edvard Munch
Rodin is famous for The Thinker, but also for The Kiss and a number of other sculptures. Warhol is known for his soup cans, but also for Marilyn and a number of other prints. Van Gogh, Renoir, Matisse ‚Äî they may have a best-known piece, but they all have deep benches. Who’s the exception? Edvard… Continue reading Edvard Munch