Jules Predicts¬† ¬† DAY TWO Crash I predict that on or before October 1, 2019, the American stock market will swan dive from the high board into an empty pool. This will not be an adjustment, a correction, a blip. I predict a massive fall from a great height, with lasting and far-reaching consequences. Note:… Continue reading Untitled
Category: Words
Jules Predicts, 2010
Jules Predicts SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 AND here we ago again. For the third time, I’m prognosticating about the near future. Here are this year‚Äôs five predictions ‚Äî five in five days ‚Äî about America‚Äôs economy and politics. Homeward Bound In both previous predictions, I said that despite expert opinion to the contrary, I believed… Continue reading Jules Predicts, 2010
Jules Predicts, 2008
Jules Predicts 2008 It‚Äôs easy to predict the past; we‚Äôre all expert at that. And it‚Äôs not that hard to predict the distant future: events intervene, nature interrupts, people forget. Ah, but predicting the near future ‚Äî that‚Äôs where the game gets rough. And that‚Äôs why so few experts risk it. I’m no expert. I’m… Continue reading Jules Predicts, 2008
Ketchup, anyone?
Dear, dear Joker, I am far from certain that this is the correct item to send on Mother‚Äôs Day. If not, blame Canada. I know it may offend you. For this I apologize and, of course, blame Canada. Not only is it in dubious taste, but it‚Äôs an¬†advertisement¬†for a¬†commercial product. Again, blame Canada ‚Ķ and… Continue reading Ketchup, anyone?
Brother, where you been?
Brother, where you been? I’ve been hiding. I’ve been hibernating. I’ve been AWOL. And most of all, I’ve been ebbing. It‚Äôs my long-held belief that for the sake of sanity, activists need to ebb and flow. And since this awful election, I’ve been in almost full ebb. Why? Two reasons: For my mental health.… Continue reading Brother, where you been?